Libraries are essential to family literacy. In South Carolina, libraries bridge the gap for those who may not have access to resources for a variety of reasons.
Libraries educate the whole family by providing computer and internet access, materials such as books and music, access to health information to help them lead healthier lives, and interaction with staff that are skilled in programming to engage young children to learn.
Literacy Materials Request
The following form is used to request literacy materials, listed below, from the South Carolina State Library.
Literacy Materials
The following items are available for shipment:
DayByDaySC Calendar
The South Carolina Day by Day Family Literacy Calendar is a tool families, caregivers, educators, and librarians can use at home and in the classroom to develop early literacy skills in children.
English and Spanish (Carolina del Sur Día por Día) versions are available. Educators and literacy providers may receive calendars free of charge if used in an educational setting. Requests are made and filled based on availability. Large quantities can be purchased at an 80% discount.
DayByDaySC Bookmark
The South Carolina Day by Day Family Literacy Calendar and website are tools to develop early literacy skills in children. The bookmark has the URL prominently displayed.
DayByDaySC Grow with Books Growth Chart
The Grow with Books Growth Chart is a handy growth chart and reading list for all stages of your child's growth and development.
- DayByDaySC Growth Chart (74 MB)
Nature's Disasters Bibliography
A booklist for communities and families on preparing and coping with different disasters.
Literacy on the Go
Tips, ideas, and activities that help encourage literacy for busy families on the go.
Have Fun with Math and Science - PreK
Activity booklet to explore the 5 senses, earth materials, blocks & puzzles, sorting and matching, natures, and water.
Have Fun with Math and Science - Elementary
A guide to explore science at home and record childrens' efforts learning math and science.
Chapter Books: Books for Children in Elementary Grades
A booklist compiled by children’s librarians and professionals, the Youth Services Section of the South Carolina Library Association, the South Carolina State Library, and many others who shared their time and experience.
100 Picture Books for Preschool Children
A booklist of picture books available in South Carolina public libraries, compiled by children’s librarians and professionals, the Youth Services Section of the South Carolina Library Association, the South Carolina State Library, and many others who shared their time and experience.
Books for Beginning Readers
A book list for beginning readers. These books are available in the public libraries of South Carolina.
Born to Read: Early Literacy Choices for Babies and Toddlers
This book list was compiled by children’s librarians and professionals in the state of South Carolina and coordinated by the South Carolina State Library. These books are available in the public libraries of South Carolina.
Libros para familias hispanohablantes/Books for Spanish Speaking Families
Libros para familias hispanohablantes fue creado por bibliotecarias y profesionales que donaron su tiempo y experiencia. Estos libros están disponibles en las bibliotecas públicas de Carolina del Sur.
Books for Spanish Speaking Families was created by librarians and professionals who shared their time and experience. These books are available in the public libraries of South Carolina.