The Inclusive Services Center is a resource for library staff to learn about assistive technology and library materials that serve diverse populations.
The center, located on the Mezzanine level of the South Carolina State Library, features a variety of assistive technology and accessibility tools for in-house use, as well as a circulating collection of materials.
The room is available to library staff or any member of the general public by appointment. Walk-ins are accommodated whenever possible.

Inclusive Services Collection
The Inclusive Services Collection houses materials related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in library services. The collection includes fiction for children and youth from diverse backgrounds, non-fiction resources for library staff working with all ages, and materials in accessible formats such as braille, tactile, and audio-enabled books.
Materials may be checked out with a State Library card through SCLENDS.
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is available for demonstration and in-house use to raise awareness of accessibility tools that public libraries can make available to their patrons with disabilities. Some items, such as the Assistive Listening system, may be available to borrow upon request.

The accessible computer in the Inclusive Services Center is equipped with the JAWS screenreader and ZoomText magnifier for people who are blind or have low vision. The computer can send documents to the Juliet brailler and includes braille transcription software (Braille Blaster) and tactile graphics software (Firebird). WAVE and the Colour Contrast Analyzer are installed to assist in testing websites and documents for accessibility. The track ball mouse and large print keyboard are examples of accessible peripheral devices. The desk height can be raised or lowered with a touch of a button.

The Eye-Pal SOLO has been designed to read aloud to a low vision or blind user almost any printed text material including books, newspapers, magazines, letters and medicine bottles as quickly and easily as possible.

The iPad is loaded with Seeing AI for blindness or low vision, Hearing Helper and Ava for live transcription, iTranslate for translation services, Chatterboards - an augmentative and alternative communication app, and Sign Me a Story - an American Sign Language app.

The Juliet 120 can produce double-sided braille documents from accessible PDF and Microsoft Word files. The braille embosser is now located in a staff area and is not available for public use at this time. Please contact the South Carolina Commission for the Blind or the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina to learn about other braille printing options.

With a built-in braille keyboard that supports all grades of braille in virtually every language and powered embossing makes for high quality, easy-to-read braille labels.

A desktop magnifier for low-vision usage, with a magnification adjustment slider and viewing modes including full color, reading, and reverse reading.

An assistive listening system for the hard of hearing that features 150 feet operating range with 17 selectable channels and includes a PPA T46 transmitter, 4 PPA R37 receivers, 4 HED 027 headphones, a MIC 090 lapel microphone, a MIC 049 desktop conference mic, a NKL 001 neckloops, and disposable earphone covers.

A handheld magnifier for those with low vision, the portable handheld video magnifier has a 5-inch widescreen, 2x-14x continuous zoom, 20 high contrast viewing modes, and provides sharp HD quality images that are easily viewed in full color. There is a convenient flip-out handle for spot viewing as well.

Code Jumper™ teaches students who are blind or visually impaired computer coding. By putting the block code tactually in your hands, all students can learn together in an inclusive setting. Originally designed by Microsoft® and developed by APH, this educational toy bridges the skills gap and opens up the world of coding to every student.

Taptilo is a smart braille-learning device that makes braille learning fun and easy! Braille beginners can learn from basic to essential words with the interactive braille display and audio feedback.