
February's New Acquisitions

We are excited to present the following selection of books added to our collection for February 2025.

Talking Book Services Director Visits Live 5 Charleston

In recognition of Braille Literacy Month, Director Jennifer Falvey visited Live 5 News in Charleston to talk about SC Talking Book Services.

Get to Know the South Carolina State Library!

The South Carolina State library presented a comprehensive webinar to introduce patrons to our valuable resources and services.

Recent Items

Logo for the SC House Legislative OIversight Committee

S.C. House Government Efficiency and Legislative Oversight Committee Announces An Online Survey Seeking Citizens’ Input on Eight Agencies Under Study by the Committee

Speaker Murrell Smith and the South Carolina House of Representatives’ Government Efficiency and Legislative  oversight Committee are inviting the public to participate in an online survey to provide feedback on eight state  agencies currently under review.
Cell Phone Use in School survey page with results and graphs.

New December Electronic State Publications

The information sheet Cell Phone Use in Schools shares the results of a survey of South Carolina teachers on the impact of cell phone use in classrooms.
Library books on shelves.

January New Acquisitions Book List

We are excited to present the following selection of books added to our collection this month. Check out what is new at the South Carolina State Library.
Photo of with Kugels and Collards authors Lyssa Kligman Harvey and Rachel Gordon Barnett in a field of collards

State Library Hosts Panel Discussion on Family Recipes and Traditions

The SC Center for the Book hosted a panel discussion with local chefs and authors focused on family recipes and their importance to family traditions revolving around food.
Cover of Identity Theft Toolkit. What You Need to Do

New November Electronic State Publications

The South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs, the state's consumer protection agency, has a mission to protect consumers from inequities in the marketplace through advocacy, mediation, enforcement and education.
Hand grabbing a book off of a library shelf

December New Acquisitions Booklist

We are excited to present the following selection of books added to our collection this month. Check out what is new at the South Carolina State Library.
A table set with Southern foods, a Christmas tree is visible in the back

A Feast of Stories: December's Culinary Collection

The South Carolina State Library is celebrating the flavors of the season with a curated selection of books on food for December.

Cover for Ditch the Pitch: A Guide for Guarding Against Scams

New October Electronic State Publications

The South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs, the state's consumer protection agency, has a mission to protect consumers from inequities in the marketplace through advocacy, mediation, enforcement and education.
Stacked books showing their pages

November New Acquisitions Booklist

We are excited to present the following selection of books added to our collection this month. Check out what is new at the South Carolina State Library.
Cover of Undertones: Gifts of a Southern Tide

Meet the Creators of “Undertones: Gifts of a Southern Tide”

Join us at The State Library on Friday, November 8, at 3:00 PM to meet the author and photographer of Undertones: Gifts of a Southern Tide.

Upcoming Event

Photo of Michael Williams

Author Michael G. Williams and Arcane Carolinas Volume 2

March 13, 2025, 6:00 PM

Michael will discuss Arcane Carolinas Volume 2 while also exploring some South Carolina holiday-themed ghost tales, an international tradition the State Library is excited to participate in. Michael uses library resources to explore folklore and all things eerie in the Carolinas. 

This Week