Talking Book Services Director Visits Live 5 Charleston

Jennifer Falvey, Talking Book Services Director, sits on the left in Live 5 Charleston's studio with reporter Raphael James on the left.

Talking Book Services Director, Jennifer Falvey, visited Live 5 News in Charleston to discuss Braille Literacy Month and the South Carolina State Library's Talking Book Services, a free library service for anyone who has a visual, physical, or print disability that prevents them from holding or reading normal print books.


Upcoming Event

Photo of Michael Williams

Author Michael G. Williams and Arcane Carolinas Volume 2

March 13, 2025, 6:00 PM

Michael will discuss Arcane Carolinas Volume 2 while also exploring some South Carolina holiday-themed ghost tales, an international tradition the State Library is excited to participate in. Michael uses library resources to explore folklore and all things eerie in the Carolinas.