August 9, 2022 marks Smokey Bear's 78th birthday!
The Smokey Bear doll featured in this photo is part of our collection; libraries used it for the Summer Reading Club in the 1950s. The Ad Council and Forest Service commissioned artist Albert Staehle to create the fictional character to help prevent forest fires.
Smokey's popularity remains strong, and so does the effort to protect America's land. Check out the resources below from our collection to learn more about South Carolina forests and watch this video for an up close and personal look at Smokey Bear.
Forestry Resources in our Digital Collection
- America's public lands: from Yellowstone to Smokey Bear and beyond. Wilson, Randall K.
- CU in the woods: Clemson Extension Forestry and Wildlife newsletter
- Best of tree country
- The State of Forestry in South Carolina
- South Carolina Forest Law Handbook. South Carolina. State Commission of Forestry
- Tree Identification: What Tree is This? A tree identification booklet for South Carolina forests, South Carolina State Commission of Forestry. Also in hardback.
- South Carolina Forest Fire Laws and You, South Carolina State Commission of Forestry
- SCFC Prevention Dispatch, South Carolina State Commission of Forestry
- Invasive species of South Carolina forests South Carolina State Commission of Forestry
- South Carolina Forestry Commission comparison of recent fiscal year fire activity with 5, 10, and 20 year averages by county.
- South Carolina wildfire. South Carolina State Commission of Forestry.
- South Carolina residents' knowledge of, perceptions of, and opinions on wildfires and controlled burning. Responsive Management. South Carolina State Commission of Forestry.
- Before You Burn, Take Five: Don't Let Fire Get Out of Hand! A guide to safe burning. South Carolina State Commission of Forestry
- Fire management United States Forest Service.