November 2020 New State Documents

cover image of Preservation Hotline

The South Carolina Digital State Documents Depository provides access to state agencies' publications. These publications provide citizens with crucial information about state government, including statistics, annual accountability reports, and data on a wide variety of topics related to the state. The November 2020 list of new South Carolina State Documents is now available.

This month we highlight the South Carolina State Historic Preservation Office's Preservation Hotline. The State Historic Preservation Office at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History has developed these short publications about common issues relating to preservation in South Carolina. These handouts answer frequently asked questions and have information on topics ranging from listing a property in the National Register to selecting consultants for preservation projects. This month's featured document is Preservation Hotline #8, which features information about how to trace the history of an historic building. For more information about our online documents depository, visit our online guide.

Upcoming Event

Desk in library with papers scattered all over.

Making the Most of the Space You Have

September 25, 2024, 2:00 PM
Do you have underused or poorly configured spaces in your library? Are your services evolving, but your building is stuck in the past? This session will help librarians assess their physical space and offer ideas to alter existing space for better functionality and flexibility.