New June Electronic State Publications

Money saving graph

The SC Office of the Attorney General Securities Division created Your New Job: Starting Your Financial Future. When you start a new job, your employer will ask you to fill out forms that will impact your take-home pay, your health and retirement benefits, and taxes. Taking the time to understand your options and making informed decisions can have a long-term impact on your financial well-being. This guide provides practical advice and explanations about comparing options for employer savings plans, health insurance choices, spending and saving income, repaying and managing debt, and investing. The informational value of this publication makes it our choice for the June 2024 featured state publication.

The complete list of June electronic South Carolina state publications is available. The South Carolina Digital State Documents Depository provides electronic access to state agency publications. These publications provide citizens with crucial information about state government and include statistics, reports, and data on a wide variety of topics related to the state.

For more information about our depository for state publications, visit our online guide.

Cover of Your New Job

Upcoming Event

Desk in library with papers scattered all over.

Making the Most of the Space You Have

September 25, 2024, 2:00 PM
Do you have underused or poorly configured spaces in your library? Are your services evolving, but your building is stuck in the past? This session will help librarians assess their physical space and offer ideas to alter existing space for better functionality and flexibility.