Who is Michael Hingson?
What does Michael Hingson Do? After 9/11, Hingson began speaking to audiences about his experience on that day as well as discussing his thoughts on life and dealing with change. He has become a recognized internationally acclaimed public speaker who captivates audiences with his personal and compelling story. He also teaches his listeners new ways of looking at life and their worlds by helping them to visualize from his viewpoint how to live, function, and thrive. He demonstrates through stories and personal examples of how anyone can be a leader and become more successful in whatever they attempt to do. First and foremost, Mike personally connects with every audience member by drawing them into his world and showing them how to use their own inner tools more effectively than they ever thought possible. Mike speaks to and has expertise on topics including leadership, teamwork, trust, inclusion, public speaking, disabilities, survival, change and much more.
For this speaking engagement, Hingson will do much more than simply tell his own 9/11 story and will discuss the broader lessons of his life and experiences inspiring and motivating audiences with topics such as:
▪ Trust & Teamwork
▪ Human-Animal Bond
▪ Inclusion vs. Diversity
▪ Strategies for the Future
▪ Adapting in Challenging Times
This program is free and open to the public. Register today!