Start the school year off right; let free access to Tutor.com through Discus- South Carolina’s Virtual Library help your student succeed. Through a partnership with the South Carolina Department of Education, we offer free, 24/7 access to highly-qualified tutors in more than 200 subject areas. Students may engage in the number of sessions needed to meet their academic goals for improvement. Watch this video or click on one of the guides below to learn more about accessing the service.
Tutor.com is available for families 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Students will have access to highly-qualified tutors in over 200 subject areas. In addition to individual tutoring, Tutor.com provides a service for administering practice tests to determine if students are on the trajectory for content mastery and submit writing assignments for review and feedback. Further, in addition to improving grades, tutors of Tutor.com assist with time management and planning strategies.