Digital CPM reports are now available!

Reports of the Certified Public Manager (CPM) program are now available in electronic format.

Reports from the Certified Public Manager program offered through Budget and Control Board are now being scanned and made available to view in WebLION, the online catalog of the State Library.  The CPM program is an 18-month management development program accredited by the National COM Consortium and has been offered through B&CB since 1996. The program provides training and on the job learning in problem solving, human resource development, and innovative management practices.

Completion of the program requires a written report by each applicant. Reports from the program are forwarded to the State Library for continued maintenance and access.  However, since the library usually only receives one copy, it does not allow the reports to circulate to library patrons.  Easy access, then, has been a continuing problem, particularly to state employees in other cities, who may not have had the opportunity to visit the library to view the reports.  Now the reports are being made available in an electronic format. 

Earlier this year the State Library considered developing a collection of digitized state documents.  However, although the state documents themselves are a unique collection, it was hard to decide what would be the first set of documents to be digitized.  At the same time, CPM reports from the class completing their program were being processed for addition to the state documents collection.  It seemed logical to begin the digitized collection with these reports and, after some willing staff members were trained in scanning, work for this new adventure began.   

To view the list of CPM reports held in the library, use the WebLION catalog link from the library homepage at .  Type “CPM” into the search box.  The entire list of reports will come up.  Reports available electronically will include a hot link in the catalog record.  While new reports will be scanned as they are received, we are also routinely adding older reports to the digital collection.  To date there are 47 reports available electronically and another 25 in process.  Staff from three areas in the library--Information Services, Collection Management, and Information Technology—are involved in getting the print document into the catalog and saved onto the library server.  What is important, though, is that the reports are now available to access through the online catalog!


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Speaker at the Center: Ayanna Goines Discusses The Green Book

July 31, 2024, 3:00 PM

Join us at the SC Center for the Book for the latest installment of the Speaker at the Center event as we explore "The Green Book." This discussion, led by Ayanna Goines, an African American History Consultant at the SC Department of Archives and History and a member of the SC African American Heritage Commission, will discuss the history and impact of "The Green Book."