Call for 2017 SCLA Conference POSTER Session Proposals

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This year’s conference theme is "Libraries Make It Happen!" The focus is on the power of libraries to change lives.  This year’s Conference is your opportunity to share your ideas, techniques, and stories of how you and your library create opportunities for exploration, innovation, and transformation in the communities you serve with your colleagues.

If you are wondering if you should do a poster session at this year’s conference, we have several good reasons below why you should!

The standard session in the past started at 8 a.m. on the Friday of the conference and ran for only an hour.  This year, it will again be on Friday morning and being at 8 a.m., but it will be two hours!  This is to give conference participants and you a greater opportunity to share your ideas and research.  For helpful Guidelines and Tips to make your poster session a success, got to  SCLA 2017 POSTER SESSION Guidelines and Tips.   You are not locked into the standard session format for a SCLA poster presentation!  Innovative and unique poster session proposals are welcome!  If you have a proposal for a unique session, contact Conference Chair Jimmie Epling to discuss your idea.

Please complete the Conference POSTER SESSION Proposal Submission Form; the deadline for submitting completed proposals is AUGUST 31, 2017.

For any questions, please contact:

P. Alan Smith, Poster Session Chair, Florence County Library, Office: (843) 413-7077,


Every year, the call goes out soliciting proposals for SCLA Annual Conference POSTER sessions.  Why should you take the time to present a POSTER session at this year’s SCLA conference?  Here are good reasons to do so!


A SCLA Conference poster session is a good way to share your work and successes with your colleagues.  Why keep what you have discovered works (or doesn't) to yourself?  Share with others because there are colleagues who will be interested in your topic.  As a presenter, you become an advocate for your part of the profession.  It is important that you share your ideas and work with people outside your specific area to increase its visibility and provide them with more information.  Your work will inspire others to take what you have learned back to their own libraries and implement it.  Your experience will directly impact others in positive ways you might never imagine!


Presenting a poster session offers you the opportunity to engage with other conference attendees interested in the same subject, issue, application, or trend as yourself.  Your presentation may spark a conversation with someone about your topic, in a way that networking alone will not, that may lead to future collaboration or open the door to future opportunities!  One-on-one conversations that may result after your session will enable you to talk about very specific aspects of your topic that could not be covered in the presentation.  Where else can you talk to people who really understand what you do every day?


The SCLA Conference offers you the opportunity to hone your one-on-one presentation skills.  Sharpen your ability to communicate verbally and to present information visually with your peers.  Presenting a poster session enables you to explain and expand on a concept, issue, idea, or activity in different ways and see which explanation is most well received. 


By presenting a conference poster session, you can expect to receive feedback from your audience that can help you in the future.  Your colleagues can provide you with invaluable insights, discussion, and compliments on your work.  An insightful, impartial discussion of your work with a peer can often provide ideas for improving your work in the future. 


Your institution may have professional development goals or requirements you must fulfill for certification and evaluation purposes.  You can receive credit as allowed by your institution toward fulfilling those requirements for time spent preparing and delivering session.


Presenting a poster session at the SCLA Conference is great achievement to add to your resume.  Earn recognition from your peers as an expert and leader in libraries and information science.  Demonstrate to your supervisors that you are serious about the profession by learning and sharing as much as you can.  As a presenter, you can elevate your library’s reputation by showing what you and your library are doing to serve your community. 


You will feel proud and exhilarated once you've finished your poster session.

Your name and session will be included in poster session program sheet.

Upcoming Event

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Speaker at the Center: Ayanna Goines Discusses The Green Book

July 31, 2024, 3:00 PM

Join us at the SC Center for the Book for the latest installment of the Speaker at the Center event as we explore "The Green Book." This discussion, led by Ayanna Goines, an African American History Consultant at the SC Department of Archives and History and a member of the SC African American Heritage Commission, will discuss the history and impact of "The Green Book."